2007-11-27 15:18:14 UTC
It is very nice that rates are going to be decreased across the board - although, I understand Private land owners are going to be charged/capped for the non-use of land. Private landlords/owners are going to be charged for empty properties... etc
Now, this is where the rhetorical question comes in…
Does this mean that local Housing Executive/ Social Housing authorities, with rows and rows of boarded up housing will also be charged for empty properties?..
Surely, if that was introduced, the shutters would be pulled off the windows and doors, & renovated PDQ, and many homeless people COULD be taken off the streets and given a roof over thier heads..even rents/rates being paid by DSS ergo Happy Council/Executive?
Are the Local Authorities going to be capped for the un-use of land the own given they are the biggest land owners.. or is it 1 rule for them, and something entirely different for the private land owner?